HOLA!!!! :)
So, I have been transfered! My time in Morelia has ended (at least for now) and I have been sent south to Lazaro Cardenas. :) haha so.. the beach. :) I already asked my comp if we can see the sea and she said no. But, I did see a little bit during the bus ride here.
This last week in my old area was pretty good. We ended up having a great lesson with a new family that we found (they are SO golden) and the lesson was perfect. We taught them the Restoration, and asked them if they had already read a little bit in the Book of Mormon, and if they had prayed about it. The mom had read and prayed a bit, but the Dad had forgotten (but the next day we called and he had prayed). The mom had a few few questions and asked us how she could know for a surety which of all the churches is true. So we explained more about prayer, and we asked her if she received an answer, and if she felt that the Book of Mormon was true. She said, 'Well, yes, I can just feel it when I read the book.' We could just feel the spirit really strong. It was also pretty cool because sometimes when I speak spanish, I have to think a little hard to put the words together correctly, but in this lesson I didn't even think, just spoke. Afterwards my comp. commented that I spoke perfect spanish. :) I give the credit to the Holy Ghost and the Gift of Tongues (they are real).
I also had my last week there.. we weren't sure if I was going to be transferred, but it turns out that yup, mi toca salir. :) I really enjoyed my last week, my comp and I had really worked hard to accomplish our goals, to have more lessons, and our teachings were more united. It makes me kind of sad that I won't be there to continue to work with some of the great families I have found.
Besides that-my new area!! It's one of the furthest parts of the mission, and what I have heard so far is that it is very hot, humid, and that a lot of people aren't married. Haha so far it hasn't been too hot, but we will see. :) My area (well, the really tiny part that i have seen so far) is very beautiful. Lots of trees, and greenery, and I am very excited to work here.
One last story- with my baptism of last week, Hermano V. when we had taught him he told us that he is never going to pass the Sacrament, and not going to go on a mission.. BUT when we got to church on Sunday, there he was up front in a white shirt and tie blessing the Sacrament. :) It was one of the coolest things I could have seen. And I really hope in 1 year he has the chance to serve a mission. It was honestly, just great!
Love you all!! And have a good week!!!
Hermana Zimmerman
saying goodbye to Hermana Contreras
One of the member families that are just super great :D
members from Tarimbaro
New companion Hermana Enriquez
a quick peek at my new casa :D
This food is called a 'Gringa' (its basically a sandwich but instead of bread, its tortillas) so... 'Gringa with the Gringa' ;)