Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pre-MTC Training

Since I am not in school right now, and am just waiting to leave on my mission I am doing some study of my own before I enter the MTC!  -Sidestory: I took 3 years of French during my middle school/high school years.  Because I am going to Mexico on my mission I am now learning Spanish!- I do have to say that I am very grateful for the technology that we have today, and for "apps."  I am using one now called 'duolingo'  which is completely helping me with the Spanish language!  That takes up part of my study time, as well as reading the Book of Mormon and studying Preach My Gospel. 

Although these study materials are great, I think that the best learning comes from actually being involved with missionary work and having experiences.. speaking of which!  I had a very cool experience at work the other day.  One of my last customers (for those who don't know I am a server at a restaurant) asked me if I was LDS -because the man and his friend were from out of state- and started asking me questions all about the church.  They stayed for at least an hour and a half!  The experience was wonderful, and made me so excited to be able to serve my mission!  At the same time I realized that I am not 100% ready to serve and was a little unprepared for the experience.  We need to be ready at all times to share the Gospel!  Me included.  Before the two men left, one of them said to me that he appreciated my enthusiasm but that he wasn't all that interested right now.  No, he's not getting baptized or anything, but it was still an eye-opener.

That experience gave me new insight about serving a mission.  I know that I am spiritually ready to serve a mission, but am not quite mentally or intellectually ready to serve.  I have just under 70 days to prepare though!  And I will use that time wisely so that I will be ready.

One last note... I am SO grateful to have so many friends that are worthy to serve missions!  Some of my best friends have recently gotten their calls and it all makes me so excited.  The work is spreading to all nations, in all languages, and to ALL PEOPLE. 

“Our missionaries are going forth to different nations, and in Germany, Palestine, New Holland, Australia, the East Indies, and other places, the Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done” (History of the Church, 4:540).
Future Hermana Zimmerman